Open A Hostel And Run a Hospitality Business in Vietnam

by | May 17, 2022 | Start your business | 2 comments

Summary of my interview from Guillaume – Move To Asia: Open and Run a Hospitality Business in Vietnam
Video interview Nicolas Thanh Guillaume Move To Asia Open Run Hospitality Business in Vietnam

Interview from Guillaume  – Move To Asia: Open and Run a Hospitality Business in Vietnam

2022 is the year where Vietnam has finally reopened its borders to international tourism following a step-by-step plan called “binh thuong moi” (the new normal) in order to safely reopen and safely welcome travelers back to Vietnam.

Within this context, Move To Asia is helping investors and entrepreneurs to find business opportunities in Vietnam. And the hospitality sector is back in motion after 2 years of inactivity.

That is how this interview is framed: sharing how to open and run a hospitality business in Vietnam and see how interesting it could be to invest in the tourism and hospitality sector in 2022 in Vietnam.

In this video:

  • Moving to in Vietnam 10 years ago (2012) from France.
  • DaBlend Hostel concept (my former business)
  • Why tourism is a relevant business opportunity for 2022
  • Lessons learned over 4 years running the business
  • Offline versus Online for sales and marketing
  • What would I do differently today.

I hope you enjoyed this video and that you could learn more about my experience as a hostel owner in Saigon.

The link of my article I mention in the video is here:

About the author:

My name is Nicolas Thành. Entrepreneur doing business in Vietnam since 2014. I have recently moved to Da Nang and now provides Team Productivity consulting to small teams here. You can stay updated with my work and projects by subscribing to my newsletter:

That’s it. Otherwise, thank you for reading my article. Don’t hesitat to use the comment section if you have any feedback or question.


  1. Alex Slater

    Hi there,

    My business partner (Australian) and I (British) are developing a business plan with the aim of opening a hostel in Vietnam in 2025. Is this something you are open to consulting us on? We need consulting on Vietnam laws and regulations around foreigners opening businesses in the country and I saw an insightful Youtube video with you in it, so I’d love you to help.

    please send me an email with information on how we can move forward.

    • Nicolas

      Hi Alex,

      Thank you for reaching out!
      This is a great project. Do you know which province or city you wanted to open it in ?

      Thanks for reaching out and looking forward to continuing the conversation with you, and in any case, good luck in such a great project.


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