How to generate diagrams from text with AI

by | Mar 2, 2025 | Today I learned... | 0 comments

Today I learned to generate diagrams from text using AI and I share the benefits and limitations of this new feature
text to diagram ai generated with nicolas thành

Today I learned how to generate diagrams from text with AI

The tool I found is called “Napkins AI” and from a simple bullet list or numbered list, or even a paragrapher, it can generate a very nice diagram.

For example, instead of listing the companies I work with, I created this:

text to diagram ai generated with nicolas thành

Which one is clearer? The bullet list or the visual?

What’s the actual benefit?

As of today, March 2025, I tested it with complete SOPs (standard operating procedures) and tried to reproduce process maps like this one:

And it was not enough. You can see the result in my YouTube video:

BUT! I can see already is two major benefits:

Save time creating visuals

But only onces you have cleaned up your own processes. Currently, the AI is not “cleaning” inconsistencies in your diagrams. It just generate a visual from the text you give it.

pipeline plan implementation visual from text generated ai tool nicolas thành

Get original ideas of visuals to create

In my video, Napkins AI let you select a bunch of designs and shape your visual in creative ways.

original visual created from text using napkins ai nicolas thành

Best use cases of text to diagram

Clear explains the steps to implement your solution:

text to diagram a consulting implementation plan in 3 steps with ai nicolas thanh

List down industries you work with

expat service companies special web and marketing agency

Clarify procedures, for example the onboarding of a student to your courses:generate onboarding process from text to visual with ai nicolas thanh

Let’s see, I just learned this today, will continue test it in the future. Probably use it today.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

About the author:

My name is Nicolas Thành. Entrepreneur doing business in Vietnam since 2014. I have recently moved to Da Nang and now provides Team Productivity consulting to small teams here. You can stay updated with my work and projects by subscribing to my newsletter:

That’s it. Otherwise, thank you for reading my article. Don’t hesitat to use the comment section if you have any feedback or question.


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