Stop making to-do lists, make to-finish lists instead!

by | Nov 27, 2022 | Productivity | 0 comments

To-do lists are not effective anymore. Try to-finish lists instead, and get instant productivity boost.
Stop making to-do lists make to-finish lists instead nicolas thanh

What if you were finishing things instead of doing them?

A few months ago, a very good friend said that he started to create to-finish lists instead of to-do lists. This way, instead of “doing” things he was able to “finish” them.

I found this quite amazing and immediately started to test this discovery.

Since then, I do not have anything to do… but only things to finish!

So what different does it makes?

The problem with to do lists is that you can list an infinite number of things regardless of the possibility of making it happen or not. And that was my problem. I was able to make endless to do lists and never really feel the satisfaction of finishing what was on my list because so many new things would pop-up and be added to the already long to do list.

With to do lists I was feeling overwhelmed.

With to finish lists, I am feeling like a high achiever, like someone able to focus on getting things done!

What happens with “to finish” lists is that it allows you to concentrate on the results. You trick you brain into asking yourself if you should add this item or not because you know you will have to finish it.

A to finish list also implies that it has a deadline. If it’s on a daily basis, then if you write down things “to finish” you not only commit to work on it but to check it off your list as well.

So my advise of the day: stop making to-do lists, make to-finish lists instead!

  • Kill procrastination by adding things that you need to finish
  • Set clear actionable items with a deadline and an expected result
  • Stop “doing”, start “finishing” things; it’s much more satisfying!

Bonus tips for those who discover this today!

I would suggest you keep your to do lists at the bottom of the to-finish list. This way you can add more items and keep an eye on what’s “to-do” without needing to do it now. It’s more comfortable for those like me who are scared to forget things they have to do.

To I have a “to finish list” and then at the bottom it’s my to-do list.

Try it out for a few days and get back to me with your impressions, I would love to hear from you.

About the author:

My name is Nicolas Thành. Entrepreneur doing business in Vietnam since 2014. I have recently moved to Da Nang and now provides Team Productivity consulting to small teams here. You can stay updated with my work and projects by subscribing to my newsletter:

That’s it. Otherwise, thank you for reading my article. Don’t hesitat to use the comment section if you have any feedback or question.


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