The French Expat Community in Vietnam

by | Sep 29, 2022 | About Nicolas Thành | 1 comment

The French Expat Vietnam community is the entrance door to any newcomer in Vietnam who has questions about how to start living in Vietnam.
French Expat Vietnam Facebook Group Nicolas Thanh

Introduction of the French Expat Vietnam community

It’s the most interesting Community of Expatriates in Vietnam 😉 !

In Vietnam, due to its history with French Colonialism, the relationship between the two country has remained strong and active. As of today, the French expatriates officially registered as living in Vietnam to the French Consulate are between 7000 and 10,000 people.

So we are one of the largest community of foreigners living in Vietnam; I think the first ones are either Koreans, Japanese or Chinese.

Our Facebook Group French Expat Vietnam is the perfect entry spot to the French Community in Vietnam!


French Expat Vietnam is a facebook group in the first place and attract between 5-10 new members everyday. We are one of the largest group on Facebook for french expatriates in Vietnam.

The French Expat Vietnam community is the entrance door to any newcomer in Vietnam who has questions about how to start living in Vietnam.

Grab my free resources for French expats:

Annuaire des French Expats

Annuaire des French Expats

Annuaire des entrepreneurs français au Vietnam et autres associations, professionnels et toute personne souhaitant contribuer à notre communauté

read more

About the author:

My name is Nicolas Thành. Entrepreneur doing business in Vietnam since 2014. I have recently moved to Da Nang and now provides Team Productivity consulting to small teams here. You can stay updated with my work and projects by subscribing to my newsletter:

That’s it. Otherwise, thank you for reading my article. Don’t hesitat to use the comment section if you have any feedback or question.

1 Comment

  1. steeve LECRU

    Bonjour ,
    Quel site ! tellement de ressources qui seront utiles .merci

    je suis Steeve , artiste francais vivant et travaillant en Chine, Suzhou.
    De passage au Vietnam, pour la periode de Noel (23-12 /02-01), Hanoi first,
    j’ envoie quelques messages aux organisations, sites et autres amoureux du pays, pour me connecter et rencontrer des gens sympas et pourquoi pas partager mon parcours artistiques a travers des visites d ecoles, de centres artistiques ou autres …

    Merci encore pour le travail et le temps fourni pour realiser ce site …bravo

    soyez libre de me contacter si vous avez des idees ….
    bon courage
    et a bientot


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