Podcast Versus Blog for Evergreen Content

by | Sep 20, 2021 | Today I learned... | 0 comments

As I have recently started this blog and as I am also familiar with podcasting, I was wondering which one; between podcast or blog would be the most suitable to create evergreen content.
Podcast versus Blog for Evergreen content Nicolas Thanh

As I have recently started this blog and as I am also familiar with podcasting, I was wondering which one; between podcast or blog would be the most suitable to create evergreen content.

What is evergreen content? According to the Digital Marketing Institute, “evergreen content is search-optimized content that is continually relevant and stays “fresh” for readers over a long period of time.”

For example, what is not evergreen is eventually all the articles dealing with the news because you rarely read again something that happened in the past, you usually read what is happening today.

A social media post is not evergreen neither because it’s unlikely that people scroll down to the bottom of your page to dig past posts you’ve made. Especially on Facebook for example.

A good example of evergreen content is articles answering questions we all have “all the time”. For example, if you write about business, you may think of all these articles about “how to start your own business” or if you travel; “top 10 places to visit in Vietnam”, etc.

Why I believe that blog is still the winner?

If you want my take on this battle, as of 2021, blog is clearly a winner. First of all, far more people read blog articles than they listen to podcasts. Blogs have been around for 20 years and reading something is easier than listening to it.

When you search for information you can open a blog article and quickly scroll down to the part you are interested in. Or you can use the search function of your browser inside the article to even search faster.

Second, when you write a blog, you are indexed on Google search results (that’s google’s first service). And most people, when searching for a definition or for more information on a specific topic, they would search on Google right away.

So blogs are the reflexion of a well rooted habit, they are more popular.

Why I consider podcast as the underdog?

Podcast is quite new. For now, fewer people listen to podcasts. But this is changing.

When you listen to podcast you could be going to work, running, washing the dishes or enjoying the sunset on your balcony. For many people it’s a good reason to kill boredom or silence. It’s a good way to learn about a topic or listen to someone’s interview while doing another task that could have been a total waste if done on its own.

In a way, you consume podcasts differently than blogs and they aren’t competing with each other. I mean, try to read a blog while running or doing your laundry. So podcasts have a serious chance here.

However, as most of its value will be audio, you still need to ensure that your title and description are both “SEO friendly” if I may say so, so that when people are searching on the internet or on their podcast app, your episode where you answer their questions comes first.

So what should you choose? starting a blog or podcast?

If you ask me, it’s clearly a matter of choice. Both blogging or podcasting can be done for free. I can give more details on this on another article, but you can start both for free and learn to do both within one weekend.

One thing for sure is that you will need to spend time on it. And the hardest is the consistency. That’s what I was refering to in my article about starting this blog. So in order to make this journey the most enjoyable possible, you better choose the one you prefer by trying one.

Thank you for reading until the end!

Every morning, after my meditation 🧘🏽and my breakfast ☕️, I sit at my desk for one hour and write answers to my own questions, as an entrepreneur ✍️. Then I publish it on this blog, hoping to help other entrepreneurs to find answers to their questions too. And this, no matter your “level”.

To participate, ask me questions on social medias @nicolasthanhg (click on the icons below). I may answer directly or write an article about it.

Now, you can also go back to the blog page and search for articles related to your scope of interest. 🔍

Have a good day,
Nicolas Thành

About the author:

My name is Nicolas Thành. Entrepreneur doing business in Vietnam since 2014. I have recently moved to Da Nang and now provides Team Productivity consulting to small teams here. You can stay updated with my work and projects by subscribing to my newsletter: https://nicolasthanh.kit.com/

That’s it. Otherwise, thank you for reading my article. Don’t hesitat to use the comment section if you have any feedback or question.


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