
Sometimes, journaling and self-reflections helps with processing thoughts to bring clarity and turn overthinking into actions. That’s exactly what those articles are.


How easy it is to make 100.000$ in one year?

Challenging a bit myself here with numbers and brainstorming ideas on how to make 100,000 USD in one year.

decision making changes after covid-19 nicolas thanh

4 Decision Making Changes After COVID-19

Less planning, less resistance, more clarity and safer decision making after covid-19 pandemic ended.

How Far Writing One Hour Every Day Can bring me Nicolas Thanh

How Far Writing One Hour Every Day Can bring me?

Everyday, before I start working, I will sit at my desk and write articles on this blog. The idea is to answer questions I ask myself as an entrepreneur and publish them as blog articles. In a way, my goal is to publish a public FAQ dedicated to the entrepreneur’s journey.

Embrace your failures and the zero within you Nicolas Thanh

How to Embrace Your Failures And The “zero” Within You

Failure is a big part of the entrepreneur’s life. So I want to focus on the importance of acknowledging your failures and accepting them. Embrace your failures and the “zero” within you.

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