My 2023 secret project ✍️

by | Feb 25, 2023 | About Nicolas Thành | 0 comments

I started writing for someone else! It will be my first side project of the year. More details in this article.
loan tran book launch nicolas thanh secret project

A few years ago, upon starting this blog, I wrote one article to answer a question: How far can writing one hour per day can bring me?

And now, I can answer this question with a different perspective. So let me tell you where it’s bringin me this year!

Quick update about my blog:

A) I am not writing one hour per day anymore (unfortunately) because last year my wife became pregnant (fortunately) and this year we’re new parents… so we’re busy! I can only write when I have time, meaning, usually, over the weekend.

B) I have decided to turn my blog more as a personal blog / documenting my different learning across diverse projects I am undertaking.

C) I started this secret project!

Here, my secret project:

So here is what I am doing this year:

I’ve started to write articles for another website. I’ve starting to contribute for Loan Tran’s blog. My goal for this year is to write approximately one article per week for her.

What is Loan Tran’s blog about?

Loan Tran is a Leadership / Transformation Coach for Managers and Business Executive. She recently published her book “Powerful Leadership” and she also started to coach people full time! Yes, for all these years she was juggling between her full time job, her charity work and her coaching. But for this year she is starting to go full-speed coach.

Her blog is going to be a series of articles on leadership based on her own stories she shares on social media and on her coaching programs. In the end, I wish that those articles are attractive enough so that it helps her to engage with her audience and find new clients.

Loan’s website is about introducing her coaching, her book(s), her workshops and now with the articles, I hope that it helps to diversify her content to help all the leaders out there who are looking for improving their skills, reduce their stress at work and truly embrace (and love) their leadership roles.

Why contributing for Loan Tran’s?

After attending one of her workshop about “Happy Teams”, I wrote about it (full article of the workshop here) and she complimented me and shared with me that she was also looking for starting her own blog. After discussing with her, I realized that this was something I could really like to do. In exchange, she is inviting me to her workshops and she is coaching me with my new “leadership” position at my company.

Also, my personal reason why I accepted to write for Loan is that I was looking for a practical way to keep improving my writing skills. My blog has helped me to transform my life. I am now ready to help others transform theirs!… I hope so. And even though, with my blog, I am improving already, it’s always more interesting to test this in another context, on a different topic and purpose.

So, without any further introduction, here is the link of my contributions to her blog, I hope you can have a look and find some interesting articles!

Have fun,

About the author:

My name is Nicolas Thành. Entrepreneur doing business in Vietnam since 2014. I have recently moved to Da Nang and now provides Team Productivity consulting to small teams here. You can stay updated with my work and projects by subscribing to my newsletter:

That’s it. Otherwise, thank you for reading my article. Don’t hesitat to use the comment section if you have any feedback or question.


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