How To Launch a New Idea In 30 days

How To Launch a New Idea In 30 days

If you have a business idea and you give yourself 30 days to launch it, the question isn’t “is this a good idea?” but becomes: “how am I going to make it happen?” Suddenly, it’s much more practical. Learn how to launch a new idea in 30 days

How I organize my day: My Morning (part 1)

How I organize my day: My Morning (part 1)

how I organise my day. What my days look like at the moment? If I can manage multiple projects at the same time while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I thought it could be interesting to share it with you so you can learn from it, eventually copy it or adapt it to your own daily schedules.
My days are far from being perfect but it’s an opportunity to picture today in order to improve tomorrow.