Self Care & Lead Articles

Set identity goals instead of result-goals

No, you don’t need to make 100,000 USD per year or a 6 pack. Learn about setting identity goals rather than result-goals.

From Resisting Life to “Acceptance”

Stop resisting. Release yourself from stress. Make your life easy. Start to accept more. Read my journey on acceptance.

Should you allow your employees to be freelancers aside from their full time job with you?

You have employees freelancers: Your employee is working full time for you but accepts side-missions for others in the evenings or in the weekend.

Why We Struggle To Ask Questions And How To Ask Great Questions

Why We Struggle To Ask Questions And How To Ask Great Questions

It is one of the very basic of communication: asking a question, receiving an answer and starting a conversation. But what if you are asking the wrong question in the first place? How is this conversation going to turn? Today I wonder why we struggle to ask questions. Asking for help. Questioning the question. Asking yourself the right question. Asking questions is something we learn and it’s not that simple.

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Can You Be An Entrepreneur While Working Full-time?

Can You Be An Entrepreneur While Working Full-time?

Can you be an entrepreneur while working full-time? Is working full time making you less of an entrepreneur? Can you work full-time and run a business? Great employees have an entrepreneurial mindset. Real entrepreneurs cannot work full time. Entrepreneurs have a mission, not a job.

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How I organize my day: My Morning (part 1)

How I organize my day: My Morning (part 1)

how I organise my day. What my days look like at the moment? If I can manage multiple projects at the same time while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I thought it could be interesting to share it with you so you can learn from it, eventually copy it or adapt it to your own daily schedules.
My days are far from being perfect but it’s an opportunity to picture today in order to improve tomorrow.

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