Sep 27, 2021 | Self Care & Lead |
My workdays vary and I cannot really say it’s easy to plan everything. Some problem may come up in the middle of my most busy day. Sometimes I am not in the mood. Etc.But, I have detected at least 4 ways to structure my workdays, that I want to share with you today so you can also understand better how I organize my day.
Sep 22, 2021 | Start your business |
If you have a business idea and you give yourself 30 days to launch it, the question isn’t “is this a good idea?” but becomes: “how am I going to make it happen?” Suddenly, it’s much more practical. Learn how to launch a new idea in 30 days
Sep 20, 2021 | Scale Operations |
As I have recently started this blog and as I am also familiar with podcasting, I was wondering which one; between podcast or blog would be the most suitable to create evergreen content.
Sep 16, 2021 | Start your business |
Have this ever happened to you, those days that start perfectly normally and then, suddenly become a real nightmare because one unexpected event shows up?
Sep 15, 2021 | About Nicolas Thành |
Everyday, before I start working, I will sit at my desk and write articles on this blog. The idea is to answer questions I ask myself as an entrepreneur and publish them as blog articles. In a way, my goal is to publish a public FAQ dedicated to the entrepreneur’s journey.