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2025 Plans

2025 Plans

This article will clarify what you can expect for 2025 in Nicolas Thành personal blog. In fact, last year, so many changes happened in my life at the same time. That is why it was confusing on my blog to share updates.

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I posted 90 videos on YouTube and this is what I learned

I posted 90 videos on YouTube and this is what I learned

#DataNeverLie After posting 90 videos on YouTube with Scale in Peace I've got some interesting results to share 👇The charts below are comparing:- the views with- the watch time- of the 90 videos I postedIt is sorted in 4 categories:# 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 (💗 in pink)...

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Review of our family trip to South Korea

Review of our family trip to South Korea

Many friends asked me about how was South Korea. So, I decided to write a full article about different aspects of the trip, hoping it can help you making the decision of visiting soon or not and answering the burning questions of where to visit, how much budget to prepare and how it is in general.

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How to become a Hostel Owner in Saigon

How to become a Hostel Owner in Saigon

How to become a hostel owner in Saigon? If I would start again my hostel experience, I would build the traveler's community first then start investing into hosting and welcoming guests. Because as soon as you start paying rent, you are pressured to fill the place "at...

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Why We Struggle To Ask Questions And How To Ask Great Questions

Why We Struggle To Ask Questions And How To Ask Great Questions

It is one of the very basic of communication: asking a question, receiving an answer and starting a conversation. But what if you are asking the wrong question in the first place? How is this conversation going to turn? Today I wonder why we struggle to ask questions. Asking for help. Questioning the question. Asking yourself the right question. Asking questions is something we learn and it’s not that simple.

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Blog Review 2021 – My First Year of Blogging

Blog Review 2021 – My First Year of Blogging

Let’s check how many articles I posted, how many views I got, etc. But most importantly, why some articles performed better than others? Was it expected? And what lessons I could learn from this one year experience…

I will also take the change to share with you my plans for 2022, and how you can become a part of this adventure.

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Can You Be An Entrepreneur While Working Full-time?

Can You Be An Entrepreneur While Working Full-time?

Can you be an entrepreneur while working full-time? Is working full time making you less of an entrepreneur? Can you work full-time and run a business? Great employees have an entrepreneurial mindset. Real entrepreneurs cannot work full time. Entrepreneurs have a mission, not a job.

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Sleep Tips: How to Sleep Better and Naturally Fall Asleep?

Sleep Tips: How to Sleep Better and Naturally Fall Asleep?

For many years, I considered my sleep as a waste of time: 8 hours doing nothing!? But I’ve realized that exceptional quality of sleep is a superpower! In today’s article get some sleep tips. I want to help you understand how you can fall asleep naturally and improve the quality of your sleep.

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How To Organize Your Day (part 2) 4 Ways To Structure Your Workday

How To Organize Your Day (part 2) 4 Ways To Structure Your Workday

My workdays vary and I cannot really say it’s easy to plan everything. Some problem may come up in the middle of my most busy day. Sometimes I am not in the mood. Etc.But, I have detected at least 4 ways to structure my workdays, that I want to share with you today so you can also understand better how I organize my day.

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How To Launch a New Idea In 30 days

How To Launch a New Idea In 30 days

If you have a business idea and you give yourself 30 days to launch it, the question isn’t “is this a good idea?” but becomes: “how am I going to make it happen?” Suddenly, it’s much more practical. Learn how to launch a new idea in 30 days

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How I organize my day: My Morning (part 1)

How I organize my day: My Morning (part 1)

how I organise my day. What my days look like at the moment? If I can manage multiple projects at the same time while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I thought it could be interesting to share it with you so you can learn from it, eventually copy it or adapt it to your own daily schedules.
My days are far from being perfect but it’s an opportunity to picture today in order to improve tomorrow.

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How Far Writing One Hour Every Day Can bring me?

How Far Writing One Hour Every Day Can bring me?

Everyday, before I start working, I will sit at my desk and write articles on this blog. The idea is to answer questions I ask myself as an entrepreneur and publish them as blog articles. In a way, my goal is to publish a public FAQ dedicated to the entrepreneur’s journey.

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Stop Thinking Entrepreneurship is From Zero To Hero Journey

Stop Thinking Entrepreneurship is From Zero To Hero Journey

Stop Thinking Entrepreneurship is a “from zero to hero” journey. We often hear people saying “from zero to hero”. Just to illustrate that they started with nothing and ended with everything. The reality of your entrepreneur’s journey might more be like mine: often swinging between two states of mind: exitement and struggle.

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